“By the cigars they smoke, and the composers they love, ye shall know the texture of men’s souls.” – John Galsworthy. There are a lot of good quotes about enjoying cigars. That’s because to those who enjoy good tobacco, a fine cigar is equal to a fine wine. The best Cuban cigar brands fit in well with people who enjoy fine things.
Cigarettes, even fine cigarettes, get smoked. A good cigar is savored. Much like you may need to gulp down a glass of water to quench your thirst, but will linger over the fine liquor served to you by a good friend.
Cuban cigars are often noted as among the world’s best cigars. It’s just something about the weather, soil, rolling methods, and other things that make the difference between a good cigar and a fine cigar. Yes, other areas also produce fine cigars. Cuban cigars are always at or near the top of a connoisseur’s list.
Cigars are one of the top exports from the island nation of Cuba. The best Cuban brands have either stood the test of time or come on the market fairly recently to satisfy the smoking desires of cigar lovers. Let’s look at a few.
Readers in the USA, please note:
Cuban cigars are now legal in the United States when it comes to traveling abroad and bringing them back into the country for personal use. However, if U.S. citizens attempt to sell Cuban cigars within the United States, they may be subject to fines and other penalties.
Click here for official US Customs Website information
Top 15 Best Cuban Cigar Brands (For Ultimate Quality)
1. Cohibia
One of the premier brands of Cuban cigars is Cohibia. It is the brand of the state owned Habanos S.A. tobacco company. Not to be confused with the Cohibia brand grown and rolled in the Dominican Republic which is a US owned company. The Habanos S.A. Cohibia Robusto cigar is one of the most popularly sought after of Cuban cigars, though they also have other cigars.
The brand was created in 1966 to satisfy a desire for the Cuban government diplomatic services to have a recognizable name brand and not simply be nested under a generic “Cuban” cigar label. The Robusto is moderately expensive, but some exclusive Cohibia cigars have prices that only the extremely wealthy could even consider.
Cohibia is often considered the standard by which Cuban cigars are measured. Its taste and aroma are spicy, woody, and strong. You’ll know you’re smoking a Cuban when you light up a Cohibia Robusto. Look for them everywhere in Cuba. If you reside outside of the USA, ask your local fine tobacco retailer about them.
2. Montecristo
Also owned by Habanos S.A., Montecristo cigars are very well known outside of Cuba. The Petit Corona comes in boxes or packaged singly in a small metal tube with a screw on cap. They also make a Gran Corona, which is over nine inches of Cuban cigar!
Originally established in 1935, the Montecristo brand has prerevolution origins. The same growers and factories make the current line up of Montecristo cigars.
Whenever discussing fine Cuban cigars, Montecristo will always be referred to as one of the best Cuban cigar brands. As Cubans go, it’s right about average in cost. Besides the woody and spicy tobacco quality, there may also be hints of vanilla, coffee, or cocoa in certain cigars.
3. Punch
Punch is one of the value brands of Habanos S.A. The Montesco is a fat, stubby cigar with a medium tobacco flavor as opposed to the stronger tobacco of Cohibia and Montecristo.
Established way back 1840, Punch was founded by a German tobacco grower living in Cuba. While now considered a value brand for the state run tobacco company, Punch releases special editions of unique cigars with specific flavor qualities and limited production runs.
A more moderate taste, also slightly more moderate in price. Punch cigars are an excellent choice is you want to try out what is different about Cuban cigars.
4. Partagas
Are you wanting to try a really powerful and spicy cigar? Try out the Partagas Belvederes. It has a very spicy flavor and strong tobacco taste. Most of the Partagas cigars are particularly spicy.
Founded in 1827, Partagas remains a popular cigar brand no doubt due in part to that unique spiciness.
Some people find these to be too strong. In fact, if the pure tobacco smoke has any ill effects on you, then you may need to approach this cigar with caution. However, if you really like a very strong tobacco taste, Partagas will give it to you in a way that some consider rather pleasant.
5. Bolivar
Another very strong cigar, smokers are warned to start out slow with this brand. The Royal Corona cigar is particularly strong with hints or undertones of tanginess and earthiness.
Established in 1902, Bolivar brand cigars were a favorite of British upper class. Bolivar cigars even made it onto display in the Windsor Castle Royal Nursery dollhouse!
Bolivar cigars are loved by smokers desirous of a very full bodied taste. The taste and aroma is indeed quite strong. Think of it as similar to coffee drinkers. Some people simply want the strong taste without anything added to it.
6. H Upmann
Rumored to be JF Kennedy’s favorite cigar, H Upmann has a lighter, mellower taste compared to other Cubans. Their Coronas Major and the slightly smaller Coronas Minor are common varieties of this brand.
Established in 1844 by a German banker living in Havana, H Upmann cigars are a really good tasting cigar for people not yet used to Cuban cigars.
Considered light to medium, Upmann cigars are kept by some aficionados for several years to age before smoking. Aging reportedly brings out subtle nuances to the flavor of Upmann cigars.
7. Hoyo de Monterrey
In the Hoyo de Monterrey brand, the Epicure No. 1 and No. 2 cigars are very well liked. These cigars are made on what was considered one of the best plantations in classic Cuba.
Established in 1865, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars come in a wide variety of humidors, boxes, chests, and tubes or wrappers.
A lighter flavor tobacco with a whole lot of delicate nuances, these cigars are smooth and an easy way to start into the world of Cuban cigars.
8. Romeo y Julieta
The Churchill cigar from Romeo y Julieta is a classic cigar with a rich taste and a large following. You can smoke a Churchill right away, aging isn’t necessary.
Established in 1875, Romeo y Julieta cigars are popular worldwide. They come in a wide range of sizes from short, stubby, thin, long, and giant.
Full of flavor, Romeo y Julieta cigars aren’t really full bodied, but they have a lot of taste involved in their smoke and aroma. Nutty, spicy, and about medium or light medium in tobacco flavor.
9. Juan Lopez
A limited production cigar brand, Juan Lopez cigars are pretty much sold only in Cuba. They make several sizes, including what may be the perfect sized cigar, the Grand Corona. A little slimmer than most other cigars, and about as long as most, it lets you enjoy the cigar without feeling like you overdid it.
Established in 1870, the Juan Lopez brand is sometimes a surprise to first time visitors to the island due to not having much open market presence.
Taste is medium to full, with nutty, spicy, and very earthy tones. It is actually a little bit rustic, but that’s a nice change of pace from some of the delicate nuances of tastes is other brands. If you like an earthy, deep smoke, try one out the next time you get to be in Cuba.
10. Ramon Allones
The Ramon Allones Gigantes is the cigar you want to be seen smoking if you are in the public eye. It is one of the most authentic looking and smelling cigars available. Of course, they are a good tasting cigar, as well. Seriously, who really cares about image?
Established in 1837, Ramon Allones was possibly the first cigar maker to pack cigars in boxes and affix a label to each individual cigar. That was modern marketing way back when. So as someone noticed the great aroma of your cigar, they would see what brand it was and seek one out for themselves.
A rich, full bodied tobacco taste is combined with other tobaccos for a very complex taste for such a full tobacco smoke.
11. Jose L. Piedra
Described as a typically Cuban cigar, the Cazedores from Jose L. Piedra is a nice size cigar that offers a smoker an experience that is quite pleasurable. It is also one of the least costly of Cuban cigars available to the general public.
Established in 1880, the and the tobacco is grown on has been used for tobacco nearly since Cuba was first colonized. So, there is a lot of tobacco experience here.
The taste falls between medium and full bodied and is full of all the things that makes smoking a Cuban a good experience for cigar lovers.
12. Diplomaticos
Very similar to the Monte Cristo brand, Diplomaticos makes one line of cigars in five different sizes. The sizes range from short with medium girth to very fat and long.
Formed in 1966, the company only makes these cigars and nothing else. The boxes look similar to what is many people’s minds when they think of Cuban cigars, which is pretty cool. The brand was actually originally intended to be lower cost alternative to the Monte Cristo brand, but has become a favored brand of many since then.
Taste is full and rich with hints of some of the nuttiness found in premium Cubans. A great choice for someone wanting to try out their first Cuban cigar.
13. Quintero
Cuban cigars at affordable prices are the reason for this brand. Their Panatelos cigar is a thinner cigar that is a good everyday cigar.
Introduced in 1924, the Quintero plantation is located outside of the area that the majority of Cuban tobacco is grown.
Their location on the island means the tobacco will have a slightly different taste. It is mellow and rather smooth, ranging closer to medium than light. Some pleasant woodsy tones make this a refreshing smoke.
14. Vegueros
A local market only premium brand, small Vegueros can be purchased on the island in a pack that is similar in size to a pack of cigarettes. Several sizes of individual cigars are also available.
Established in 1997, you can find Vegueros all over the island but rarely sold outside of Cuba.
Taste is full and rich. They are a premium cigar, but not at all outrageously priced. Smoking a pack gives a real feel of what island life is like for local smokers.
15. Sancho Panza
“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?” A fitting cigar from Sancho Panza is the Quixotes cigar, a medium size cigar sold singly or in boxes.
Established in 1848, Sancho Panza currently is a local market only brand with a wide range of sizes offered, including a couple of very long and thick cigars.
Medium to full in taste, you find hints of spicy and wood in the aroma and taste. A good cigar with a decidedly Cuban taste. As with all of the best Cuban cigar brands, the enjoyment is from the purchase all the way through to the last puff. Have fun experiencing the taste of Cuba! This is easily one of the top cuban cigar brands!
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